
How to wear a maxi dress if you are short Ft. Dear-Lover

Maxi dresses are fun to wear. They are so flowy, breezy, comfortable, chic and convenient at the same time. Not to forget the prettiest prints we get in all these floral maxi dresses. Whenever I get bored with my little short dresses I seek refuge in a maxi dress. It’s perfect for spring or summer and once layered with a long shrug or a denim jacket can be easily converted into your fall outfit. You can wear it to your beach vacation, to an evening cocktail party or to a day out.

But there is a common misconception we have that Maxi dresses are not for petite women as they are at the risk of being engulfed by them. But you know what, I am just 5′ and I never restrict myself to try those pretty maxi dresses. Because if there is a problem there are at least 10 solutions. So here I am sharing my 10 tips on how to wear a maxi dress if you are short.

Sizing help tips 1 to 5

1. Alteration can help

Love those pretty maxi dresses but it’s way too long for you? .Alteration is the only solution. The wisest way to to get the alteration work done is to show it to your tailor after wearing the heel you are planning to pair with it. In that way, you will not risk to cut it too short or long.

2.Tie a knot at the bottom

To tell you the truth, this is a new trick I have learnt from my fellow petite fashion bloggers. Tie a small knot at one side of the bottom and that way you can reduce the length without altering it. As maxi dresses are of flowy material, it’s not going to be quite visible.

3. Use a belt

When the maxi is too long a thick or skinny belt can do the trick of the overall lengths adjustment. It also diverts the focus to the waistline and creates a perfect balance. Check how I have styled my printed maxi dress here.

How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short


4.Shop for petite size

Few brands always keep petite size in most of the styles. So it’s preferable to buy it from them to avoid the hassle of alteration. Both the maxi I am wearing are from a brand called Dear-lover. They have an extensive collection of maxi dresses in every style and they are perfect for my height too. I did not have to alter any of them.

5.Pair it with Platform or wedges

As I always say heels are short women’s best friend. And platform heels or wedges go well with maxi dresses. They are comfortable too rather than pointed heels during travelling. As most of the maxi dresses are casual in nature and often chosen as holiday outfits, hence we need to think about travel time comfort too while choosing the shoe.


How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short


Choosing the perfect style tips 6- 10


6.Side or Middle slit maxi for petite women

Find a maxi with cutouts on the side or middle as this can add dimensions and visual interest to the outfit. That is exactly why I chose the geometric print maxi. It definitely helped me to look much taller than my actual height.


How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short


7. Choose the print of your maxi wisely

If you are petite and small built try to choose a maxi dress with small prints. If you are petite and medium built you can go for medium-sized prints as I did with my Pink floral maxi. But it is always advisable to choose smaller prints for petite girls.
If you are wearing a striped maxi, always go for vertical stripes as it will make you look tall. Small geometric prints as well can help us to look tall.


8. Cut of the maxi is important for petite girls

For petite women, straight, fitted maxi looks great. Avoid anything boxy or balloon-like or too much loosely fitted.

How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short

9. Floor length maxis

When choosing the length of the maxi I always go for floor length instead of ankle length. Floor length creates the illusion of height and ankle length make you look even smaller.


How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short


10.The neckline of your maxi matters

It is always good to choose a maxi with a v-neck, off the shoulder or halter neck as the attention will be drawn to the top and it balances length of the dress at the bottom. That is the reason I chose the pretty pink off the shoulder maxi dress.


How to wear a Maxi Dress if you are short


Confidence is the key

Finally as, I always say, Whatever you wear bring that confidence to your outfit which can make any outfit look good on you. Walk with a straight body posture, hold your head high and flash those brightest smile. Rest all assured.

Shop the Look


Both the maxi dresses shown here are from a boutique called Dear-Lover. As  I already said Dear-Lover has a great collection of trendy yet affordable wholesale dresses. Check their Big- Sale page to find some great ongoing discount.

Click here to buy the pink floral maxi and here to buy the printed one.


N.B: This post is sponsored by Dear-Lover. All opinions are solely mine.


How to wear a maxi dress if you are short


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