
How to wear a statement necklace

If you know me then you must be knowing that I am more of a minimal or no jewelry person. But I am always game for a little experiment with my outfit and look. And what better than wearing a statement necklace when you are trying to make a bold statement. They are the best accessories to showcase your creativity and personal style. But rocking a statement necklace can be a little tricky if you don’t know how to style it properly. So here I am sharing the tips and tricks of wearing a statement necklace the right way.

Choose the perfect neckline

The best neckline to go with a statement necklace is off-the-shoulder, v-neck, strapless and scoop neck tops or dresses or even a jumpsuit.

Basic is best

Statement necklaces should be the central element of your look, the real star of the whole get up. So the best way to pair them is with your basic tees and jeans to take your outfit from drab to fab.

When in doubt wear black

While selecting the colors of your top, statement necklace looks best with solid colors like plain black, white or golden.

Less is more

While wearing a statement necklace, your other accessories should be nil or minimal or else you risk to look over the top. So you should avoid wearing big chunky earrings or rings. If you really want to wear ine then go for a subtle one.

Add a layer

If you want to stand out ,add a layer to your t-shirt, jeans and necklace combination. A blazer or a leather jacket works wonder over them.And you can pull off a trendy street style with this combo.

Boho look with a statement necklace

Wear a big chunky statement necklace with your boho printed maxi dress to pull off a chic boho look.

Wear over a shirt

The purpose of a statement necklace is to bring some versatility to your boring outfit. So wearing it over a shirt or collared shirt can make it look stylish and polished.



There can be tons of other ways to wear a statement necklace. This is a versatile piece of jewelry which has the power to make or break the whole look. Just Don’t overdo it and you can rock it like a pro.


Statement necklace



statement necklace


statement necklace


Statement necklace


statement necklace


The statement pieces I am wearing here are from the Countess Collection of super jeweler. It is an exclusive collaboration Super jeweler have done with Luann de Lesseps of the Real Housewives of New York City show telecast in bravo tv. They have some great statement pieces curated by the singer and actress herself. Check their collection. Also, don’t forget to tell me about your favorite style in statement necklace in a comment below.



statement necklace


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