
How to wear a blazer casually to look put together

Blazers are undoubtedly the best outfit for work. They are the centre element of power dressing for women. But shall we limit ourself to wear it only to work? Of course not. If styled properly, you can pull off a super chic casual look with a blazer which you can carry any day, any place and in any occasion. So I am going to show you how to wear a blazer casually to look effortlessly chic and put together.

Click on the pictures to shop my look.

Plaid blazer paired with skinny jeans

Mark my words, a plaid blazer is “the” fashion item of the season since last fall. You should definitely have one because they are really versatile. You can style them in many ways. My favourite is with a basic tea-shirt, high heel booties and some funky fashion jewellery to make it look easy and casual.

how to wear a blazer casually
Plaid Blazer from H&M


Puffed sleeve blazer with a scarf

A casual blazer look depends on the material and pattern of the blazer. So while selecting a casual blazer go for unstructured designs that project a relaxed fit. A puffed sleeve is definitely one of them. To add a little more casual approach style it with a scarf.

how to wear a blazer casually
Puffed sleeve blazer from Walmart


Blazer over a printed t-shirt

The easiest way to pull off the casual blazer look is to throw it on a printed graphic t-shirt. And again accessorize it with some statement necklace. This is a favourite style of all fashion influencers. Pair it with your favourite boots to get a fashion-forward look.

how to wear a blazer casually
Tie knot white blazer from H&M


The boyfriend Blazer look

The oversized, slouchy relaxed fitting blazer is in trend for quite some time now. And the funny part is, it has more appeal if you actually grabbed it from your guy’s closet. As a matter of fact, I do that quite often as it gives me such a casual vibe. I layer it up on my crop top and skinny jeans and tada my chic boyfriend blazer look is ready. Pair it with sneakers or boots depending on your taste.

Boyfriend Blazer-how to wear a blazer casually
Boyfriend blazer from Nordstrom


Blazer over dress

Blazer looks stylish and casual if worn over dresses. You can easily style it with a maxi or skater dress. Throw a light colour blazer over a bright colour dress and create a beautiful contrast. Pair it with some high heel and achieve a chic casual look.

how to wear a blazer casually
White blazer from Kohls


So these are my 5 ways to wear a blazer casually. I love blazers as they are the most versatile transitional pieces too. I am going to rock these casual blazer looks throughout the winter to spring transition as they work wonderfully as a light layer in lesser cold days. Do let me know which one is your favourite among all these. Also don’t forget to check my previous post on 3 Simple yet elegant valentine’s day look


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